Fairy Glen

Fairy Glen could not be more aptly named. With the amazing lighting, the unique rock formations, and lush green grass, this place felt borderline magical. I ran around here up and down the hills for probably a good hour, feeling every bit as much a fairy as the name implies.

How to get there

Fairy Glen is only a 25-minute drive from the Quiraing hike parking lot, so we made a quick stop here after our hike. The turnoff road from A87 is paved and well-maintained, but take care because it's narrow and basically one-way. Although the Google map pin for this spot is correct, it's not that obvious when you've arrived because there are no trails, signs, or a real parking lot besides a couple dirt turnouts. You must get out of your car to see anything.

Tips for visiting

You'll need no more than an hour to explore this small area. You can climb up the hills on the left side of the road (to see the view in the first photo below), or check out the "Fairy Glen" on the right side. Here you'll find a rock formation that looks like a ruin (Castle Ewen) and a rock labyrinth that was apparently laid down by visitors. Make sure to take your time and climb up Castle Ewen as well as the surrounding hills to get some awesome views.